https://notifier.inNotifier lets you read emails and Telegram channel messages via RSS.

A user immediately gets a unique email address and related RSS feed (without sign up):

See also my blog post about Notifier launch.
Thanks, Evgeny Filatov for making the logo for Notifier!
Build MVP
There was a lack of services that let users easily convert different data sources to RSS feeds.
First I wanted to validate my idea. So I build a simple web service, where a user could get a unique email address or HTTP webhook and receive all messages sent to it via RSS. It was free, and no sign-up was required.
A few users started using it, so in the next iteration I added integration with Telegram. Notifier was the first project that let users read Telegram channels via RSS, so it got good traction.
A few months later I also added paid plan and started charging users.
Improve workflow
To make sure all main functions are valid I created unit and automated tests. After each commit, the code is deployed to Semaphore CI, where the tests are run.
I set up errors logging and different types of reporting depending on an error level. For example, in case of a critical error, I immediately get an email notification with the error details. For non-critical errors, I get a daily summary.
PHP, MySQL, Slim framework, Braintree, MTProto (Telegram API).I released Notifier in August 2017. It’s still active and maintained.