
Yardim widget lets website visitors resolve their concerns promptly without referring to a website’s help section.

  1. A website owner installs the widget on their web pages.
  2. Yardim analyzes what types of help articles visitors are searching for in each kind of the page.
  3. After it collects some data, it shows more relevant help articles on each page.
Yardim widget

Here is the landing page I created for Yardim. I had to restore it from the Internet Archive, so the widget buttons in the “Example” section, unfortunately, got lost.

Yardim landing page


Browserify, PostCSS, jQuery, Node.js, Express.js, Knex.js, Sendgrid, MySQL, Memcached.

I created Yardim in October 2015 and shut it down in April 2016 since it got no traction.